The Family Place Announces Appointment of New CFO, Shonna Pumphrey
Pumphrey Joins The Family Place from Lancaster ISD with More Than 25 Years of Accounting and Financial Management Experience
Dallas-based family violence services agency, The Family Place, announces the appointment of Shonna Pumphrey as chief financial officer. Pumphrey brings to The
Family Place extensive experience in general and cost accounting and financial management in the nonprofit, consumer goods, restaurant, and public accounting sectors. She joins The Family Place team in February 2022, under the leadership of CEO Mimi
Sterling, as they work to carry out the important mission of the agency, the largest family violence service provider in the state with an annual budget of more than $14 million.
“Joining The Family Place as CFO presents the perfect opportunity to align my professional skills in accounting and finance with my passion for helping the community, especially children and women,” says Pumphrey. “Just hearing the name
‘The Family Place’ gives me a warm feeling. I am eager to jump in and assist in equipping our clients for success and educating the community through our programs and services.”
Pumphrey joins The Family Place with more than 25 years of accounting and financial management experience, including 15 years of team management practice. She is a CPA who has worked in the public accounting, retail, telecom, consumer goods, and K-12
education sectors, providing her with a unique skillset and perspective that allows her to consistently manage and achieve exceptional fiscal results in both nonprofit and corporate environments. Most recently, Pumphrey was chief financial officer
of the Lancaster Independent School District. She oversaw an operating budget of $75 million and provided leadership and oversight of the school district’s financial and business affairs. Immediately prior to her role at Lancaster ISD, Pumphrey
served for five years as the director of accounting services for the Dallas Independent School District.
“I could not be more excited for Shonna to our team at The Family Place,” says Mimi Sterling, CEO, The Family Place. “With a comprehensive financial background across a range of industries and her deep understanding
of the needs of the community, Shonna is a strong addition to our growing executive team comprised of diverse talent from both the nonprofit and corporate worlds.”
The diverse talent at The Family Place includes:
- Vice President of Operations Randall Elmore, who joined the agency in 2021 following a 25-year career in hospitality management
- Chief Client Services Officer Tiffany McDaniel, LMSW, who joined The Family Place in June 2014 with more than 20 years of experience in the nonprofit social services and assumed her current role in 2022
- Vice President of Human Resources Stephanie Adams, who joined The Family Place in August 2012 after significant experience with nonprofit organizations including The Salvation Army and Dallas CASA
- Vice President of Development Melissa Sherrill, who joined The Family Place in February 2008 with a background in the education sector.
- CEO Mimi Sterling came to The Family Place in 2021, most recently from Neiman Marcus Group, with a wide-ranging background in public relations, corporate communications, environmental social governance, belonging, and philanthropy.
Pumphrey grew up the oldest of three children in Garland, Texas. Her earliest exposure to business was through her father’s CPA practice. One of few African American CPAs in Garland, his extensive pro bono work ignited Pumphrey’s passion for
finance and service. She is a proud graduate of Texas A&M University, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Accounting and met her husband, Greg. Outside of work, Shonna enjoys spending time with her husband,
their four children, and their dog.
In 1978 a group of community volunteers organized The Family Place as one of the first family violence shelters in the state. Today The Family Place is the largest family violence service provider in Texas, with three emergency shelters providing 177
shelter beds each night, including the state’s only shelter for men and children, and three counseling centers. We served 9,466 clients last year providing 65,630 days of emergency shelter, 21,036 days of transitional housing, 22,717 hours of
counseling to nonresidential clients, and 10,465 hours of counseling to batterers. All services are provided in Spanish and in English. For more information on The Family Place call 214.559.2170 or visit

Shonna Pumphrey